Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Life Sciences (2).

Characteristics of A Highly Intelligent Person

A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether.
M Mahfujur Rahman, PhD

People with high IQ scores are called highly intelligent people. Can you guess what they have in common? Let’s read the signs of a highly intelligent person.

They Are Highly Curious

Curiosity is a sign of intelligence. In fact, if you’re curious about something, it’s probably because you’ve realized its importance or potential in some way. The desire to learn more about something comes from recognizing that what we know about an object is not enough for us to be able to fully understand it and use it effectively. For example, early humans were only able to use fire as a tool by observing the sparks created when two sticks rubbed together; they had no idea how these sparks worked or how they could harness their power until many years later when someone finally asked what caused them!

They Don’t Follow The Crowd

The highly intelligent person is not afraid to stand out from the crowd. They are not afraid to be unpopular; they think for themselves and do things their own way, even when it means being different from everyone else.

They Are Open-Minded

You’ve probably heard that having an open mind is valuable, but what does it mean to have an open mind and how can you develop one?

An open-minded person is willing to consider new ideas and opinions. They’re able to listen carefully, evaluate evidence and make decisions based on facts rather than their own beliefs. Developing this skill requires practice in order to be successful at changing your thinking when faced with evidence contrary to your assumptions or beliefs. If a friend told you that the moon was made of green cheese, would you believe them? What if they provided proof by bringing out a crate full of samples from the moon? Would that change your mind about whether or not what they said was true?

They Ask Questions.

Source: https://medium.com/illumination/characteristics-of-a-highly-intelligent-person-ad8f59fce2cc